Come to study here!

These words in the name of the Institute have not only conceptual meaning telling us about its specialization but are also meaningful and very rich in their context.

Business is a kind of activity and relationships that are necessary in any kind of society to be able to give a ready product to a consumer. In our case it's a product of culture, of education. And politics is treated by us in its genuine original meaning as an agreement between people but not in the Marxist understanding as a conflict between classes and world-outlook confrontation. None of the business is possible as soon as the confrontation begins. Only agreement, cooperation and mutual understanding are the most necessary conditions for the business development. Only in this case we can have normal commodity-money relationships that are correct, dynamic and cultured.

read our conception


IBP conception
Post-graduate courses
Accounts and address
Affiliated institutes


V International Interuniversity Scientific Conference «Russia & Modern World: Problems of Political Development» will proceed to work from 16th April 2009 till 18th April 2009 in the Institute of Business and Politics.
Irina Ubozhenko's Translation Art School was opened at the Institute of Business and Politics

Affiliated institutes

Nizhny Novgorod
Taganskaya metro station, 13 building 1,
Alexandra Soljenicina St.,
tel. (495) 912-08-09


Dear colleagues,

V International Interuniversity Scientific Conference «Russia & Modern World: Problems of Political Development» is acquiring wild range. More then 200 participation applications and abstracts from different countries – was submitted by the Organizing Ñommittee. For selecting the best papers the Organizing Ñommittee decided to prolong Deadline. So you can submit your abstract by e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] till 1st February 2009.

site creation Fineideas studio