

IV International Interuniversity Scientific Conference "Russia & Modern World: Problems of Political Development"

10-12 April, 2008
Institute of Business & Politics, Moscow

Unique panel in the modern higher educational space of the city of Moscow combining the possibilities of academic debate and practice of educational process at the higher school.

The nature of conference course, high level of suggested discussion allow the scientist of academic institutes and leading higher schools to consider the issues of their research work in terms of practice.

There is suggested to discuss the following issues in the framework of conference:

  • Civil Society and Law State: Problems of Establishment
  • Problems of Dialogue of the Federal Power and Regional Elite: Experience and Prospects
  • Modern Russia: World Policy Challenges
  • Economic Aspects of Political Development of Russia
  • Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Problems and Prospects of Interaction
  • Confessional Nature of International Relations and Domestic Policy
  • Modern Elites: Identification Problems
  • Image of Russia (Russia as "Other") in the Design of European and Oriental Identities
  • Religion in the System of Political Culture of Russia: History and Modern Trends
  • Globalization: Cultural Aspects and Interests of Russia
  • Literary Process and Globalization Process
  • Models of University Education in the Modern World
  • Representation of the Modern Russian in Domestic and Foreign Mass Media

Conference languages: Russian, English
No registration fee
Free publication

The thesis's of contributed paper must not exceeded 300 words, should be submitted with the registration form to the Organizing Ñommittee by e-mail: . Deadline for the thesis's: 1st December 2007. The Organizing Ñommittee shall reserve the right to select papers. The confirmations about the inclusion in the Program of IV International Interuniversity Scientific Conference will be sent during January 2008. After receiving the confirmation it'll be possible to submit the full paper by e-mail: . Scientific paper submissions will be accepted till 1st March 2008. There shall be planned the publication of papers by the conference beginning.

Please address for more information by e-mail: or on the phone: (495) 912-06-46 (ext. 148, 147)


Russia & Modern World:
Problems of Political

Selection committee

We are in Taganka!


"Business, politics and education in Russia: prospects and strategy"
edited by Vasilyev D. V., Nefedova V. V.


IV International Interuniversity Scientific Conference «Russia & Modern World: Problems of Political Development» will proceed to work from 10th April 2008 till 12th April 2008 in the Institute of Business and Politics.
Irina Ubozhenko's Translation Art School was opened at the Institute of Business and Politics

See also:

Taganskaya metro station, 13/1,
B. Kommunisticheskaya St.,
tel. (495) 912-08-09

Affiliated institutes

Nizhny Novgorod
site creation Fineideas studio